
Friday, September 29, 2017

SharePoint Designer- Unable to open a workflow - WWF .NET 3.0, must be installed to use the feature

Every day is a learning day and If we don’t learn a new thing today, the day is wasted.

I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday ~ ~Abraham Lincoln 

I would like to write something on the SharePoint Designer 2013 workflow. Recently I started receiving the message from SharePoint Designer 2013 when I open a workflow that was deployed on MS Project Online and workflows is working as expected but I wanted to check the steps in Workflow. The message that received is below and when you click on OK, You see a message that File is deleted from site or site is having issues, try refreshing to resolve but nothing worked.

This was kind of confusing for me as I had the .NET framework 4.5 and that should include all the previous versions of .NET framework. If you go online for solution, you may find many such as installation of Visual Studio 2005 extensions for .NET Framework 3.0 (Windows Workflow Foundation), hot fixes etc but before we try any of the solution, Try below steps.

  1. Exit SharePoint Designer (if you have it open in your machine) and Delete the SharePoint Designer Cache. Use below commands in CMD
rmdir "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WebsiteCache\" /s /q

rmdir "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\SharePoint Designer\ProxyAssemblyCache\" /s /q

  1. Restart the SharePoint Designer.
  2. Open the Site and Click Workflows in site objects
  3. Workflow should be opened and should be editable.

Happy learning.

SharePoint Designer- Unable to open a workflow - WWF .NET 3.0, must be installed to use the feature

Every day is a learning day and If we don’t learn a new thing today, the day is wasted. I don’t think much of a man who is not wise...